25-April-2008. It’s the end of my student journey. Good Bye to APIIT. Good Bye my student ID (TP012069). 3 years in APIIT. Still remember clearly the first day in APIIT for the orientation, I was directed to the wrong class where there is another orientation going on. I was so blur and so fish. Wahahaha. Time passed fast where I do not feel the time had passed.
From TP1F0505COM to TP2F0505COM then TP3F0707CSE. From small class room to Auditorium then back to small class room. Is time to say good bye to the words "ASSIGNMENT", "EXAM", "TEST" and lastly "FINAL YEAR PROJECT". I will sure miss APIIT life, all my class mate and lecturer. I will miss cafeteria Chicken Rice, Enterprise 3 hamburger set, Shukran, Double story, Lao Di Fang, Alison and many more. I will keep all the happy memories in my personal hard disk.
My class mate, from unknown to known and now is time to say good bye and good luck for your future. Hope we can still keep in touch in future. Everyone had built up their strong wings and ready to fly.