Saturday, April 26, 2008

Good Bye APIIT

25-April-2008. It’s the end of my student journey. Good Bye to APIIT. Good Bye my student ID (TP012069). 3 years in APIIT. Still remember clearly the first day in APIIT for the orientation, I was directed to the wrong class where there is another orientation going on. I was so blur and so fish. Wahahaha. Time passed fast where I do not feel the time had passed.

From TP1F0505COM to TP2F0505COM then TP3F0707CSE. From small class room to Auditorium then back to small class room. Is time to say good bye to the words "ASSIGNMENT", "EXAM", "TEST" and lastly "FINAL YEAR PROJECT". I will sure miss APIIT life, all my class mate and lecturer. I will miss cafeteria Chicken Rice, Enterprise 3 hamburger set, Shukran, Double story, Lao Di Fang, Alison and many more. I will keep all the happy memories in my personal hard disk.

My class mate, from unknown to known and now is time to say good bye and good luck for your future. Hope we can still keep in touch in future. Everyone had built up their strong wings and ready to fly.

Monday, April 14, 2008

My first OFFICIAL JOB in my life time

My first job ever.

This is my first official job in my life time. It is hardly to believe that this is my first job. Yes this is really my first job. Wahahaha. Even my sis and bro work part time before.

Although this is my first official job, I work before but main main only la. I organise trips before, collect recycle stuff (rubbish à aluminium and iron) from construction site to sell, sell and supply firecrackers, sell flowers in wet market, sell camera and help to jaga kedai.

Event Name : Microsoft Heroes Happen {Here} Launch

Event Venue : Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

Event Date : 8th April 2008 (Tuesday)

Working hours : 7.00am - 7.00pm (plus minus) RM10/hour

Attire : Dark colour jeans, sport shoes and t-shirts will be provided (returnable).

Briefing : COMPULSORY to attend 2 Briefings :

1) 3/4/08 (Thursday) 3.00pm – 6.00pm at Crystal Edge’s office (each candidate will be paid RM15)

2) 5/4/08 (Saturday) 3.00pm – 6.00pm at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (NO pay)

When can I get my Check.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

continuous from FINALLY! aka fatima

It started in 2005, the group was small then. Only less than 10 person. Then it grew bigger and bigger. We used to have gatherings every month, to celebrate birthdays. But everyone became more and more busy. No one is available to organize the gathering anymore. So we finally set a date and gathered at One Utama after not seeing each other for nearly 5 months. Although not everyone is here, but we still have our fun as usual. Glad that our group haven’t tutup kedai yet.

Not too long and not too short 3 years gone. 2005, that time I just started my studies in KL and now I am going to graduate soon. Still remember clearly the first gathering in La Manila Midvalley. First gathering was like a press conference where cameras everywhere. Flash here flash there. That’s our tradition where we still have cameras every gathering. All this photos are memories.

So Danny when is the next gathering..........

First Gathering

Complete Group Members

The latest

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Cute little boy......

30 December 2007(Johor Trip)

Celebrated new year in Johor.....
Lucky day at Terbau City Johor. Me, my sister and brother went to Jusco for movie. After the movie, when we were on the way to the carpark, suddenly many RELAs and fans rushing towards us. We was surprise that Nicholas Teo (张栋梁) was there. Then only we know that count down celebration is going on at the car park. Nicholas really very leng chai. Kekeke.....

After that we also saw Dylan Liong (8tv Step Forward Host). Too bad that no one recognize him when he walk to the toilet. No one bother to look at him. Maybe Johorian did not watch 8tv......Wahahaha.....