Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What a tiring weekend !!!!

Suddenly become a part time driver....Went back on thursday after school by myself... Becoz tat Sxxxxx GAN i have to go to Arena Green to collect my spec !@#$%^&*()xxx. Waste my time..... (Damn Piss) Reach Kampar almost 5 already.... First place to go is to meet my fren ah mei and give her the Ji Wo Pau that I da pau for her family....After that went back to my shop.... Then at night yam cha with ah mei at Kam Jing and call it a day. On Friday, i have to wake up very early coz grandma ask me to fetch her to ipoh to see doctor. That day i was so sleepy, but i manage to wake up 6.30. Then i went shop to fetch grandma. After that, grandma say we go ipoh later in the afternoon.... Ai yoh..... Gek Sei Ngor ah.... Then go yam cha with grandma at the market.... Eat my favorite Kampar Famous Noodle and drink very nice cham ice.(U can't get it other place) Wahahaha. Go back shop to work. Later then me and grandma go to Ipoh to see doctor. After that, we tot we wan to go cut hair but suddenly Gu Je call and ask us to go back early. Rush back. At night go yam cha with ah mei and how mun. The next day.... Saturday... Sleep until 9 then go to shop. 10.30 got appointment but 10 something have to go to kampar carnival to fetch my cousin C.K.Yan and have to spend the RM 20 coupon. I simply buy buy and buy. Kekeke. Then rush for my appointment.... (wasted RM187). After that rush rush and rush again coz need to send the flowers. That day i have to fetch grandma and grandpa to kl. So we start our journey that evening. On the way to KL i still have to send flower to Tapah. Reach KL at night jor.. Then also went to putrajaya to see the fireworks. What a tiring day... Sunday morning, i drive my family members to China town for shopping then go midvalley to fetch someone and night go eat at subang parade.

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