Tuesday, July 29, 2008


MC today. Early morning wake up rush to Subang terminal 2 Immigration to renew my passport. Every thing goes well. I manage to find Terminal 2 easily and I found free parking also.

I queue up to take the number. When it is my turn, the officer say “Cik IC kamu dah rosak. Pergi buat IC sementara baru datang lagi.”. Then I ask the officer where to do? He says PJ near HILTON but he do not know the exact location. I was so angry and I do not know where to change my IC. I call up my father and mother but their phones cannot be reached. So, that time I was so blur and do not know where to go. Either Putrajaya or PJ. After that I call up David my colleague to ask where the place is.

Terminal 2 Subang Immigration

Then I rush to PJ to change my IC. I found the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara which is just located at the main road from Hilton to the round about. When I reach there, I ask the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara to check my IC. They say “IC ni baik tak rosak. Saya boleh baca.” Then, I tell them that the Immigration officer say my IC rosak. So they ask me to change a new one. Lucky that place not much people. After that, I rush back to Terminal 2 again to renew my passport.
Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara PJ

At last I managed to renew my passport. Wait for around 1 hour to apply the passport and 2 hours for them to process my passport. While waiting I went to NZX. I am the only person walking in NZX. HaHaHa…. What a terrible place. Do not know when will all the stalls chap lap.

Every thing settled by 1.00 then straight go back home. Eat my medicine and sleep like a pig. (Drunk)